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Dawah means invitation literally. Islam teaches to share the goodness fortune with your fellow man. With that in mind, Muslims take it as a duty and take pleasure in inviting non-Muslims to Islam.

Every religion of the world has been named either after its founder or after the community or nation in which it was born. For instance, Christianity takes its name from its prophet Jesus Christ; Buddhism from its founder. Gautama Buddha; Zoroastrianism from its founder Zoroaster; and Judaism the religion of the Jews from the name of the tribe Judah (of the country of Judea) where it originated. The same is true of all other religions except Islam, which enjoys the unique distinction of having no such association with any particular person or people or country. Nor is it the product of any human mind. It is a universal religion and its objective is to create and cultivate in man the quality and attitude of Islam.

Islam, in fact, is an attributive title. Anyone who possesses this attribute, whatever race, community, country or group he belongs to, is a Muslim. According to the Qur'an (the Holy Book of the Muslims), among every people and in all ages there have been good and righteous people who possessed this attribute — and all of them were and are Muslims.

At IATC, we have a Dawah Committee that caters the needs of anyone interested to learn about Islam. We provide one on one meetings as well as group lectures. There is literature available in several different languages to read and distribute amoung your group for better understanding of Islam. We provide free copies of Quran, the scripture revealed to Prophet Mohamed.

Our community is diverse and comprised of several converts individuals and families from all walks of life. Feel free to contact us any time via phone or email or just visit IATC. We are here to welcome you with open arms.

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